# Config
# Reminder Time
Time when a reminder with no time part will show.
- Type:
- Format:
(HH: hour, mm: minute) - Default:
# Reminder Time Step
Step of time for reminder time.
- Type:
- Default:
# Date format
Format for reminder date without time.
- Type:
- Format: momentjs format (opens new window)
- Default:
# Date and time format
Format for reminder date time.
- Type:
- Format: momentjs format (opens new window)
- Default:
# Calendar popup trigger
Trigger to show calendar popup.
- Type:
- Format: Any string. If you make this setting empty string, calendar popup will be disabled.
- Default:
# Primary reminder format
Reminder format for generated reminder by calendar popup.
- Type:
- Values:
# Link dates to daily notes
You can link dates to daily notes with this option.
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Reminder date links to daily notes
- OFF: Reminder date doesn't link to daily notes
- Default: OFF
Example (OFF)
- [ ] Task (@2021-09-15 10:00)
Example (ON)
- [ ] Task ([[@2021-09-15]] 10:00)
# Remind me later
You can change option which will be shown when you click Remind Me Later
button in the notification.
- Type:
- Format: Line-separated following options
- In N minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years
- Next Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/day/week/month/year
- Tomorrow
# Use system notification
Use system notification instead of builtin notification.
Only available on desktop OS.
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Use system notification. In mobile devices, this setting is ignored and builtin notification is used.
- OFF: Use builtin notification
# Enable Tasks plugin format
Enable support for Tasks Plugin (opens new window)
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Enable Tasks plugin format
- OFF: Disable Tasks plugin format (default)
# Distinguish between reminder date and due date
Use custom emoji ⏰ instead of 📅 and distinguish between reminder date/time and Tasks Plugin's due date.
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Reminder is set using ⏰
- OFF: Reminder is set using 📅 (default)
# Remove tags from reminder title
If checked, the tags (#xxx) will be removed from the reminder title. This setting affects only tasks plugin format.
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Tags are removed
- OFF: Tags are not removed (default)
# Enable Kanban plugin format
Enable support for Kanban Plugin (opens new window)
- Type:
- Values:
- ON: Enable Kanban plugin format
- OFF: Disable Kanban plugin format (default)
# Edit Detection Time
In order not to interfere with normal Markdown editing, the Reminder Plugin will not show reminders while the user is editing a file. The value of this setting is the minimum amount of time (in seconds) after a key is typed that it will be identified as notifiable.
- Type:
- Value: The value of this setting is the minimum amount of time (in seconds) after a key is typed that it will be identified as notifiable. If this value is set to 0, the reminder will be displayed even if the file is being edited.
- Default:
# Reminder check interval
Interval(in seconds) to periodically check whether or not you should be notified of reminders.
You will need to restart Obsidian for this setting to take effect.
- Type:
- Default: